NYC Local Law 10 – NYC Local Law 11 (FISP) Facade Inspection
Local Law 10/11, A common fear that crossed Sigma Builders in New York City, mainly in the summer, is a badly installed window air conditioner unit coming out of the sky and crashing onto the sidewalk below.

NYC Local Law 10 – NYC Local Law 11 (FISP) Inspection
While that’s certainly something everyone would like to avoid, nobody seems concerned about the millions of bricks dangling above their heads. For that, you can thank NYC Local Law 10 and NYC Local Law 11, Local Law 11 Inspection, or the Facade Inspection Safety Program (FISP).
Under the law, building proprietors must hire an expert to examine the facade every five years; investigators then submit records to the Department of Buildings. If a possible hazard is found, buyers must repair the issue within 90 days of the statement being filed.
Local Law 11 Inspection:
The law ensures all buildings over six stories tall have their facades inspected at least every five years. In the 80s and 90s, New York City suffered unfortunate events where pieces of buildings became dislodged and struck people walking below.
The law has been refined over the years – starting with NYC Local Law 10, NYC Local Law 11, Local Law 11 Inspection, and now FISP – to ensure maximum safety.
NYC Local Law 11
NYC Local Law 11 is designed to limit any likely injuries or deaths from parts of building facades reaching on city roads.
Following the law, building owners must hire a specialist to inspect the facade every five years; investigators then present statements to the Department of Constructions.
Local Law 11 NYC
Local law 11 NYC, depends on what exactly the problems with your building’s facade are, but brace yourself for the feasibility of costly repairs, our specialists say.
Local Law 10/11 also known as the Facade Inspection & Safety Program—needs constructions that are six stories or taller to have their facades normally investigated. This requirement stems from failure: In 1979, a college student was killed when a piece of handiwork fell from a building near campus. Local Law 11 is designed to limit any future injuries or deaths from pieces of building facades falling onto city streets.
NYC Local Law 11 Bracket Air Conditioner
So myself, and another Tenant bought a Universal AC Support Bracket for our Air Conditioners for our Owners were crying about Residents not having them. For this special bracket, you don’t need tools and don’t have to teach anything. The Owner is insisting that we hire a licensed installer that has a Certificate of Security to install the AC unit. We’re Rent Stabilized residents. The Landlords are trying to remove the Residents to jack up the rent to new residents.
We are also working on Roofing Services at Roofing contractors NYC page.